Thursday, August 9, 2007

Remaining Pics and Some Videos Too!

Hey all. Three more albums to add to the list in yesterday's post:

Album 5: Bay St. Louis and Gulfport
Album 6: Eatin' Out (Lil' Rays, Wednesday night, Sonic and Snowballs)
Album 7: Misc. (Creating the Scranton Prep sign, airport/hotel shots, Ellen sleeping)

If you didn't read yesterday's note about Snapfish, scroll down and read it for more info.

AND... a few videos I found on people's cards...

Raising the support for the porch roof:

Scranton Prep Trio in NOLA (Ellen, Chelsea, and Sarah):

Gettin' Down:

Loren's Serenade:

Pretty moon over the bay:


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yay thanks so much miss carole i love all the new pics AND the videos especially the one of me singing that ones really great when i saw it i almost had a heartattack from laughter.. well anyways i ordered like 288 pictures i couldnt help it! well thanks again!
- loren <3

Unknown said...

Alex and the whole crew,

Stupendous!!! Just brilliant!!!

This project, (including this blog - which has conveyed your service in such a fun medium), has been perfect in all aspects from start to finish.

BRAVO to you all!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the pictures Carole!! I finally just went through them last night and ordered about 150 of them!

Girls, I will see you in school soon! Thanks for making this trip an amazing experience for me. I think I finally got the Wuthering Heights song out of my head....

Anonymous said...

wow i miss everyone SO much, will SOMEONE get a reunion together here!!!!!!!!
love, loren catherine paskert